Maddie's Top 5 News Sources for 2022:

    When it comes to finding news sources and information, whether discussing politics or fashion, the most important thing I tell myself is to find centers of information that are not only reliable, but also unbiased. We all have agreements and disagreements... but, we must also come to realization that every story has two or more sides, that in which we must do our absolute best to know those sides and decide for ourselves what we believe is "right." Using several different sources of information are vital in communication, especially in American politics, which is why it is important to remain open-minded and informed with the most accurate information to keep-in-touch with the world around us!

1. Family 

    Growing up in a small town, I've learned and lived the importance of family. My family is not only my biggest support system and best friends, but they have also made me into the young woman I am today and have almost influenced me almost entirely on everything I believe, whether that would be fashion, food flavors, politics, and so much more. Because of this, I value all immediate and extended family members' opinions on whatever we may be discussing. Of course, they have influenced my beliefs, however, as I have grown up, I've made my own personal choices and changes in my beliefs. Their opinion is something I value, and that will never change!


2. Fox News

     Of course, we as Americans know the Fox vs. CNN debate; however, like I mentioned above, I like to receive information of both sides to determine what I believe, not because of my political views, but because it allows be to form my own beliefs. Fox News, though I am aware is extremely biased, still gives me good information that I feel is widespread throughout the country. Specifically, I like how Fox has an "exclusive clips" tab on their website that is easy for me to gather information on a certain story and it is easily accessible to everyone. It is honestly mind blowing to think about how polarized our country is in determining whether you are a democrat or republican, however, it's also vital for one to understand the opposing side of their political views, too.

3. CNN
    I also like to receive daily news from CNN as well. Usually, I'll get notifications on my phone, by watching their channel on TV, or by checking CNN's platforms on various social media apps. It is no secret that CNN leans toward left-side, which is why it is so important to be open-minded and unbiased when following Fox News or CNN to educated yourself and defining what you believe in, not what Fox or CNN believes. Sometimes just watching and listening to what CNN covers on their platforms is very informative and I genuinely am always open-minded to their information that is easily accessible and available to all.

4. Instagram

    One of the most quickest ways I receive news information is through social media apps, specially Instagram. Though I am skeptical of the information handed out at first, I love how this platform allows people to share their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. Whether information is spread through Instagram stories, direct messaging, commenting, or posting, Instagram is a fast way for its users to receive information. Personally, I follow around four-thousand accounts of friends, family, celebrities, news/media companies, and so much more, all which repost/post certain events or news media that quickly gets around to different audiences from all over the world!

5. Dance Spirit Magazine

    Ah, finally! A breath away from politics. If you don't already know, I am a dancer. I grew up in the competitive world of dancing for seventeen years, ranging from conventions, popular competition businesses, shows/performances, and countless more. Dance is not only my passion, but it is the main reason I am the young, driven, and determined person I am today. Dance Spirit Magazine is an amazing way for dancers to not only stay connected to the industry, but also gives many opportunities for upcoming auditions, what to wear at certain dance-related events, the most talked about news within our industry, and so much more. Each month, a new dancer, from anywhere in the world, is highlighted as an inspiration to all which is very neat and keeps dancers inclusive. It is easily my favorite way to stay in-tune with the dance world!

Here featured is Tate McRae, dancer and uprising international pop-star!
