The Age of A.I. — Are They Listening?


Artificial Intelligence: Is It Worth It?  

    Technology, in our day of age, has almost become "essential" in our everyday lives. We quite literally live on our phones, tablets, computers, watches, etc. Usually, the first thing I do each morning when I wake up is check my phone. Scrolling through social media apps, checking my tasks for the day, texting friends, and so much more, are just a simple daily tasks I complete every morning. To be quite honest, we, as in a society, have adapted to a lifestyle of technology that we simply cannot live without. Our entire lives, whether we believe it or not, have become digital. Almost everything we do converse, think, plan, even work are now in the palm of our hands. However, what does this mean? Is this good? Well, when living in the Digital Age, technology can be good... but when too much power is involved, it's often more scary.

    In the Digital Age and the Age of Artificial Intelligence, big companies such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, etc., are not only providing us with mainstream media, however, they are hiding something from us: privacy. Every person has the legal right to privacy in which people have the right to be free from unwarranted publicity, the unwarranted appropriation or exploitation of one’s personality, the publicizing of one’s private affairs with which the public has no legitimate concern, or, the wrongful intrusion into one’s private activities in such manner as to outrage or cause mental suffering, shame or humiliation to a person of ordinary sensibilities. These basic rights, along with many more, should be able to give each user or consumer a sense of peace knowing our privacy rights are safe and only accessible to us. However, this is simply no longer the case.

Money or Morals: How Companies Would Rather See You Fail

    With artificial intelligence and surveillance capitalism rising around the world, major moral considerations for society are continuing to become more prevalent today. The wealthier will only become more wealthy, as the poor will sink down to become poorer... will these major companies who collect their user data continue to do these illegal acts for money, or will they rise up to their mistakes and realize that they are only hurting society? Though we may never know, it is for certain that technology is not slowing down. 

    Not only has artificial intelligence taken over many basic human jobs, but it seems as though if no one is stopping them. The most scary aspect about the Age of A.I., in my opinion, is that we thought we were searching Google, however, little did we know that Google is actually searching us, too. We live in scary, unprecedented times. It is my hope that our society, especially these major companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Apple, etc., will learn that human morals are far more important than capital. Enough is enough... privacy is not only what we strive for, but it is our right

